Mr & Mrs Pig.

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Lovely pig couple at Seac Pai Van Park, in Coloane.
(Left - Mrs Pig and Right - Mr. Pig).

Did you know?

Males have wider jaws and when fully mature, 2 strong tusks grow to the sides of lower jaw.

Mother pig is called sow, father pig is the boar and their babies are the piglets.

Pigs roll in the mud to cool their skin because they have no sweat glands and can't sweat.

Pigs are fourth on the intelligence list. (Humans are first, non-human primates are second, dolphins/whales are third and pigs are fourth.) With such brains, pigs can learn very quickly.

Despite popular belief, pigs are one of the cleanest animals there are. When given a choice, pigs are particular about not going to the bathroom anywhere near where they live or eat.

Ballet dancers?? Pigs look like they walk on tiptoe because they actually walk on only two out of the four toes that are on each hoof.

Pigs have a fantastic sense of smell and are used by some police departments to sniff out drugs.

Pigs can scream LOUD. The scream of a jet engine taking off measures 113 decibels. The scream of a frightened pig can measure 115 decibels.

The first book on raising pigs was written in 3468 BC by Emperor Fo Hi of China.

Pigs don't have fleas because a pig's skin is so thick.

Pigs are omnivores (just like people) and can eat plants or animals.

Pigs can make great pets for people with allergies because they don't shed their hair. Like other animals, pigs can have different colors of hair.

When was the last time you saw a live Pig??
It's sad that most kids in big cities kids have never seen a cow or a pig or a chicken....other than inside the fridge.

Well, at least these lucky two have a no-worries life.