Snakes, lizards and other weird pets

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All sorts of strange animals for the most exquisite owners travel across the world and end!

Exotic pet trade happens everywhere. Even though I might disagree with it, it will not affect me negatively, as long as the animals are not taken from the natural wild stocks.

Boa constrictor imperator

First specimens were taken from the wild. And many still illegally are, unfortunately. Those animals are most likely to die, as a result of travelling stress, maladjustment, poor nutrition and unthriveness in captivity. Therefore, because the trade is growing in a fast way there are many farms that grow these animals, which are more adapted to living in a confined environment. The trade of some species is regulated by the CITES agreement, and need special permits.These animals demand very specific conditions for being kept and temperature, moist, feed, light must be given in the correct amount or animals may not thrive.
Snakes, lizards, turtles and tortoises travel in cloth bags, polypropylene boxes, plastic cups, wooden boxes, and that's to way to do it....

There are a few shops in Macau that import exotic animals for sale, breeding and for their own personal collection. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaLeopard Gecko
Well, given the country where we are living in, it is expected that these animals may stimulate some desires in the most exquisite...eaters.... Yes, some people want to buy them just for the sake of tasting a new delicacy!!

One petshop owner said that many casino gambling winners frequently go there and want to buy those creatures just for tasting them!! Amazing!!

A nice fat raccoon would go well for dinner tonight...or a special Amazonian Frog..... or even a highly protect and trade-restricted Anatole lizard would be perfect for breakfast!

Huummm animal lovers are deeply offended by these hungry visitors and so they kindly (or not) request hungry customers to leave...bare handed and with an empty stomach. Of course!!!

Yellow footed tortoise

The owner of these rare animals that had just arrived at Macau airport from a 36 hour long trip all the way from USA has no less than 80 different species at HOME!
He loves all of them. Unluckily he recently lost his "normal" dog. Hope he found him! Should be easier to find than a lost snake or frog...


Anonymous said...

I think it would be fun to own one of these pets. I have only ever owned a dog, but these pets look like a lot of fun. What is the average cost of a reptile?

Heather Jackson said...

I love animals. Usually, small and fluffy mammals, with big eyes, are my favorite. There are some great advantages, however, to owning a reptile. They seem ideal to have as a pet if you want to have occasional interaction with your animals but don't want to give out the demand of attention and love that more common pets, such as dogs, require.