Sustainable solutions for a healthy planet - REUSE
Second: Reuse
The media has done a wonderful job of selling us on the attractiveness and benefits of buying "new", "improved", "special", etc. products. However, we already collectively own so much that we could all survive for quite a while on the existing products - if we just reused them a few times!
1. Garage Sales: Shop at and hold garage sales - this is a great way to reuse products.
Reusables: Switch from disposable to reusable products: food and beverage containers, cups, plates, writing pens, razors, diapers, towels, shopping bags, etc.
3. Donations: Donate your old:
*household items - clothes, furniture, dishes, books, sports equipment, magazines, appliances, electronics, business attire, wedding attire, etc. (to charity)
computer equipment
*building material (to companies who specialize in selling used material)
*cell phones and ink cartridges
*extra hangers (to your local dry cleaners)
*art materials (to a school or cultural organization)
*unwanted boxed/bagged/canned food (to homeless shelters, food banks, or soup kitchens)
4. Buy/Sell Used Items: Buy and sell your items on sites such as:
*Local second hand stores
5. Community Swap: Organize a community swap program (i.e., designate a place where people can leave unwanted items for others to use).
6. Buy Durables: Buy products that will last and take care of them.
7. Teach Thrift: Teach your children the value of being thrifty (the wise economy in the management of money and other resources; frugality).
8. Frugal Printing: Use both sides of each piece of paper -- for note taking or printing documents from your computer (at home or work). Create note pads by stapling together once-used paper.
9. Kitchen Reuseables: Instead of buying these items new, save and reuse all: paper bags, rubber bands, twisties, boxes, and packaging material. Reuse your plastic bags with a handy bag dryer.
10. Library: Pick up books from your local library or used book store. The library is also many times a great place for finding magazines, CDs, books-on-tape, and videos.
11. Rechargeable Batteries: Purchase rechargeable batteries and a battery recharger (some battery rechargers will also recharge regular alkaline batteries).
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- The Earth from Above (II)
- The Earth from Above (I)
- City birds
- Where will Chinese White Dolphins go to?
- Benvinda Eva!
- From Sydney with love ;-)
- Para todos os dias
- De Rio Claro....
- Recycling symbols
- Moon Bear
- Going black to save the planet!
- Have a green holiday! (II)
- Have a green holiday! (I)
- Kite on wheels
- agricultural cycles
- ambiente
- animal testing
- animals
- beauty
- blue sky
- Carbon Dioxide
- cars
- city animals
- Climate Change
- CO2
- Durban
- emission cuts
- endangered
- energy
- environment
- everybody
- global warming
- green holidays
- greenhouse effect
- Hybrid cars
- ice
- Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change
- Kyoto Protocol
- life
- limate Change
- Macau
- oil dependency
- óleo de cozinha
- planet
- pollution
- poluição
- public opinion
- rainforest
- Reciclar
- recycle / reduce / reuse
- reshaping of coastlines
- sustainable development
- tips for a better planet
- United Nations
- United States
- urgent
- vet
- wild facts
another great resource for hoeowners, architects, designers and contractors is !
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